Important notes about this document:

  1. This document and the minimum requirements will change over time. We aim to minimise the impact to clients and we will put effort into avoiding unreasonable changes in requirements.
  2. Many factors impact how ClickHome is used, and what resources it uses at various times. See below.
  3. We rely other companies to provide some of the components used in ClickHome; including but not limited to Microsoft, Crystal Reports, Telerik, Apple - Changes to their systems often impacts our planning, and in order to continue development work, bug fixes and improvements we are often forced to upgrade minimum versions.

Your IT Resource will need to ensure that the technical environment that runs ClickHome is adequate and functional. Please take few moments to verify the minimum System Requirements are met by your server environment.

These requirements are for a typical ClickHome 3 Installation with a web server and a separate SQL server. 

All specifications are Minimums. Additional resources and capacity should be planned in the following circumstances:

  • Large number of jobs
  • Multiple modules - eg Preconstruction, Construction, Leads
  • Intensive use of some modules - eg Inspections, Tenders, Integration

These requirements continue to change, and upgrades to capacity and or minimum version are to be expected.

Application Server - Runs the ClickHome Software

  • Multicore 2GHz
  • 16GB Ram
  • 40GB Disk space (for Application Installation, not included data)
  • Windows Server 2016 or above
  • IIS 10
  • dot Net 4.7.2 Framework (newer version are provided by Microsoft, this is regularly upgraded)
  • Document storage Diskspace - see below.
Database Server - Runs Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Full (or better)- SQL Express or previous versions can be used with consultation with ClickHome at set up.
  • Multicore 2GHz
  • 32GB RAM (Varies depending on size of organisation and server configuration. You will need more than 32GB if the server is not a standalone SQL Server. 64GB is recommended for medium and more for large builders)
  • 200GB Diskspace, plus allowance for backups (SSD or better)
  • Windows Server 2016 or better
Application SOE
  • Windows 10 or above.
  • Other clients are compatible e.g Mac.
Mobility Solutions
  • Apple iPad Running iPadOS either the current version or the immediate preceding version. eg When Apple release iPadOS 20, we will support iPadOS 19 and 18, iPadOS 17 support will be phased out. This often impacts older Apple Hardware for example iPad 2, iPad 3 and iPad mini will not run iOS 10
  • Windows Tablet (Windows 10 or above, not RT)
  • Apple iPhone is not supported. See below. 
Other Technical Requirements
  • SMTP (Sending emails, cloud hosting supported)
  • Crystal Reports 2008 (minimum of the run-time)
  • Adobe PDF Reader
  • MS Exchange 2007 SP1 (for integration only)
  • Desktop UI, valid certificate installed and site accessible over https - Chromium based browsers
Latest Releases
  • Compatibility with the latest releases of devices operating systems and other integrated systems is our goal. However from time to time changes implemented by other vendors require significant planning and work to adjust to, and care should be taken when planning upgrades. If in doubt contact ClickHome Support.
General Recommendations
  • We recommend having your ClickHome Install on a separate server to the SQL Server to enhance performance. We strongly recommend Exchange to be installed on a separate server as Exchange is designed to use all available memory and can consume up to 95% of Ram, this does not leave enough RAM for ClickHome to run.
Document Storage
  • Requirements vary from client to client. This needs to be considered in your implementation plan.
  • Jobs, Inspections, Photos, Documents, Versioning - all impact storage requirements - Estimates range between 200MB and 2GB per Job.

ClickHome is a software development company and does not manage the configuration or set up of the environment that runs ClickHome. The ongoing responsibilities of a Client IT Resource is outlined in the Transition from Implementation to Support article.  

Disclaimer: Due to the countless different ways to configure systems and third party systems installed, ClickHome endeavours to use the best standards. However sometimes system incompatibilities do occur. If an incompatibility is discovered on a client side, it is the responsibility of the client to resolve this by changing system configuration, or if required any additional work to resolve this compatibility issue by ClickHome will be deemed chargeable work.

No Support for Apple iPhone We do not sell licences for Apple iPhone, no design or testing is done on Apple iPhone. We will not fix any bugs or make any efforts to improve the use of ClickHome on the Apple iPhone. Most screens have been designed to meet functionality expected of a complex line of business application, and to make it work well, we have had to focus on the screen area available on iPads compared to iPhones.