The implementation of ClickHome goes through a number of stages as the client develops skills with the product and modifies the templates and parameters of the system to meet their businesses requirements. Eventually the system needs to go through the transition from trial to fully operational. With that process there is a number of changes in responsibility for the long term stability of the operation of the system.

Scope of Change

As with all packages, ClickHome will continue to provide support for the software under the terms of their Support Agreement and a number of tasks will become the responsibility of the client or their IT Resource.

Typically this will involve the client or their IT Resource taking responsibility for the maintenance of the technical environment, regular monitoring of the system, first level support, training of supervisors, monitoring of integration errors, etc.  Most of these are services that can be provided by ClickHome and its associates on a fee basis if the client is unable to provide these services themselves.

Detail of Change

To clarify the basis for this change the following is a general description of the task groups that ongoing with a production system.

Provision of the technical environment to support the system

The provision of the technical environment is generally the responsibility of the client, although the changes and enhancements to the mobile technology is recognized by ClickHome as the specialty that is provided by them and have a responsibility to maintain its leadership in mobile technology.  It is also ClickHomes responsibility to maintain its compatibility to Windows Server and Microsoft Dot Net technology.

Backup of Key data

As your system is now live, it is imperative that all data is regularly backed up. Main items to back up are the database and the files that are being uploaded through ClickHome (eg. Photos, Reports, Inspections etc). Ensuring a proper backup strategy is the responsibility of the Client. However we are happy to provide guidance on some best practices.

Maintenance of Infrastructure

SQL Patching, Windows Updates, Database maintenance and integrity checks are all the responsibility of the Client IT as it can cause performance issues if performed during business hours. There are many different tools that can be used for this process, please speak to your technical team about which tools are being used and what frequency they are being run. We are happy to provide guidance on some best practices. 

Regular monitoring of the software

It is important that the client maintains a watching brief of the ClickHome application and its interfaces. Subscribing to the Releases Forum is the best way to do this.


Resolution of problems

Because of the nature of ClickHome's heavy reliance on telephony and email correspondance there always is a potential for issues to arise with communication.  It is important the first level of support is internal to the client and common operational issues can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.  This is also a way of identifying if there is a training requirement that needs to be addressed internally.

Equally when genuine ClickHome system problems occur the request for assistance must be communicated to ClickHome from a common source - Usually the Business Contact- who has knowledge of the environment so that rectification can be easily achieved.

Use of the system

Requests about the general use of the system will be inevitable and ClickHome are keen to make sure that the system is used to its maximum advantage.  It is, however, important that this doesn’t become a default for training as training is very important to the systems success.

Provision of enhancements

It is essential that the ClickHome software is enhanced as new business requirements emerge in client’s businesses. Requests for enhancements are always looked at with great interest and if they are of general use to the user community they will be added as soon as is practical in the software's development cycle.

If a request is only of value to one client then this will be discussed directly with that client to see if it will be proved as part of the support agreement or will need to be a charged for addition.

Changes to the clients systems integrating with ClickHome

Clients that have integration from their accounting or estimating systems with ClickHome will need to update their other systems and it is important that this be coordinated with ClickHome to avoid any incompatibilities between their systems and ClickHome .  


The training of users of ClickHome is essential to the correct use of the system.  Training is always provided to some degree with the sale of ClickHome but Staff turnover will require that this is an ongoing requirement.  This training can be provided by ClickHome at a fee or by the clients own specifically trained trainer.  Regardless of the approach taken the training requirement is the clients to organize.

User implementation

As with training, the set up of a User with the appropriate jobs is a responsibility of the client.  ClickHome will provide assistance in the initial establishment of Users but for clients with more than a few Users their ongoing introduction to the system is the responsibility of the client.

A detailed list of Ongoing Responsibilities can be found below:

System Ongoing ResponsibilitiesClickHome SupportClient IT ResourceClient UserOther
Provision of Technical Environment to support the system
Ensure that ClickHome server is available and the Clickhome windows service is running
Ensure that appropriate remote connectivity is available for the provision of ClickHome support
Changes and enhancements to mobile technology
Ability for ClickHome to support new versions of SQL Server, Windows Server and Microsoft .Net
Regular Monitoring of the system
Failed/unsent messages (faxes, emails, etc)
Checking integration data errors (Purchase Orders etc)
Integration issues (supplier details incorrect, client details incorrect, etc)
Monitor your GFI/servers/email
Ensure environment health
Ensure proper backup procedures to SQL and documents
Resolution of problems
1st level help desk support (i.e. initial issues, checking system logs for detailed event information)
Resolution of reported problems with ClickHome software
Resolution of reported problems with Standard Clickhome Reports
Loading up of Standard ClickHome Reports (provided by ClickHome through System Upgrade)

Configuration of Standard ClickHome Reports

Optional Consulting (Charged)
Troubleshooting and resolution of issues with 3rd party reportsOptional Consulting (Charged)
Resolution of reported problems of a technical nature (i.e. iPad not connecting)
Resolution of reported problems of an operational nature (i.e. changes to template, reassigning a job)
Setting up and rebuilding devices
Connectivity issues (i.e. No service from Telstra, Optus)??
Sync problems
Resolution of sync problems (connectivity issue)
Resolution of sync problems (has connection, Data issue)
Resolution of sync problems (has connection, ClickHome issue)
Release of urgent critical patch updates to rectify any system faults
Application of urgent patch updates to rectify any system faults
Troubleshooting of 3rd party customizationOptional Consulting (Charged)
Use of the system
Recommendations of 'how to' configure system to achieve business goals
Configuration of system (editing templates etc)Optional Consulting (Charged)
Support of 'how to' nature questions from designated Business Analyst or Technical Support
Provision of Enhancements
Additional functionality built into the system as a result of client feedback or planned enhancements
Enhancements to the software
Provide regular system upgrades and enhancements
Release Notes for any upgrades
Installation of new or Upgrades to ClickHomeOptional Consulting (Charged)
Changes to clients' other systems integrated to ClickHome
Changes or improvements in integration to related systems such as Estimating or AccountingStandard Integration, Optional Consulting (Charged)
Planning, testing and upgrading other business systems
Notification of changes in requirements/integration with third party systems
Requests for ongoing trainingOptional Consulting (Charged)
Continuous development of Knowledge base and How To articles