ClickHome can be used to send automated emails to Clients, Internal staff and External trades/suppliers and clients. The following items need to be configured in ClickHome for this to work.
Configuration of one email address, to send out call-ups and internal emails. You can use any identifiable name you prefer eg [email protected].
This email address will be used to send out call-ups (Email, Fax, and SMS) to suppliers with all the relevant details for the supplier/trade to show up on site. If you are using Faxes the email will also require a mailbox to be set up. This mailbox will receive the fax confirmation and mail receipts, which will then be used within the system to notify the supervisors appropriately.
We will require information about the email server name and address: please provide the email server name or the IP address.
SMTP port address: If the port number is not 25, please provide the SMTP port.
A relay setup providing access to the ClickHome Server, to transfer mails through the Mail Server or a cloud based system