It is easy to submit a feature request to the forum. This will make it easy to gather support from other users and something we take into consideration when reviewing important changes. You can mark existing ideas as Liked (like Voting) and you can follow ideas to participate in the discussion. You can also follow the Forum to be informed of new ideas.

Alternatively, if you do not want to share the information and the details of the enhancement, you can still submit a ticket, and we will track it with some specific ticket statuses to make it easy to follow.


This is a new ticket, just like all the support tickets, and has not been actioned yet.

Requested, Still Considering

This is something we would consider, but we are not committed to it. Its in the queue waiting for action.

With Development

This means we have created a development ticket, and we're going to implement it, it will be available in a coming release.

Not Planned

There are lots of good ideas, but we can't do all of them. We try to concentrate on the ones that have the most impact for our users, for most users. If a ticket is marked as Not Planned, then for the moment, we do not intend to implement this. We will mark it closed after 1 month.

Export Tickets

You can also export the tickets to Excel to filter and track them for yourself.